“Good nutrition creates health in all areas of our existence.”


Vegetables spread across a wooden cutting board

Why Breadth Is Important: A Selection from Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s The Future of Nutrition

This excerpt taken from Dr. Campbell’s The Future of Nutrition (2020) explains why breadth of effect is critical when assessing health and nutrition protocols, and explores how the current reductionist medical paradigm ignores this criterion. To learn more about The Future of Nutrition, read our dedicated webpage. To learn more about reductionism and its alternative, … Continued

Nutrition Science

Tailoring the WFPB Diet to Individual Needs and Preferences (Video)

In the following video, Varun Ponmudi—the founder of former CNS grant recipient Aaya’s Table—discusses why it’s necessary to understand and cater to the needs and preferences of the people we work with when trying to facilitate sustainable dietary lifestyle change. This clip covers many critical subjects for ensuring successful, lasting change, whether in a diet … Continued

Nutrition Science

How Common is Protein Deficiency?

We are a people preoccupied with protein. We have been ever since we discovered the nutrient in the mid-19th century. You might have heard that protein comes from the Greek proteios, meaning “of prime importance.”[1] And it is important—we cannot live without it. But judging by the level of attention granted to protein—in the mind … Continued

Nutrition Science

Something to Chew On: How Does Animal Protein Affect Aging? (Video)

What does the science of longevity suggest about our food choices? In the following short video, Michael Hollie, MD, discusses the effect of calorie restriction— specifically restricting calories from animal protein—on the mechanisms of aging. (To learn more about longevity, read Dr. Hollie’s article from 2022.) This evidence raises many questions about the standard American, … Continued

Nutrition Science

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