
“Everyone in the field of nutrition science stands on the shoulders of Dr. Campbell, who is one of the giants in the field.”—Dean Ornish, MD

Earn Your Plant-Based Certificate
T. Colin Campbell, PhD

T. Colin Campbell has revolutionized how we think of nutrition for decades. Now—for the health of our bodies and the world’s communities, for the restoration of ecological balance—it’s time we put that knowledge into practice.

T. Colin Campbell, PhD working in a lab

Over 350 research publications, most of which are peer-reviewed

An endowed chair at Cornell University, and the lead scientist on The China Study

“The Grand Prix of epidemiology.”—New York Times
Powered by eCornell
  • 100% online, learn at your own pace
  • Instructor led format
  • No prerequisites
  • Continuing education credits
  • Interaction, engagement, and nonjudgmental support
  • Delicious WFPB oil-free recipes
  • Practical strategies that have worked for our community members... and can work for you
  • Weekly live Zoom interactions with other members of the community
  • Whole Food, Plant-Based Wellness Challenges
  • The guidance of our highly engaged, knowledgeable, and warm-hearted community hosts

    Join our free online community to:

  • Attend monthly workshops led by our inspiring grant recipients
  • Learn from successful community groups around the world
  • Network with advocates for regenerative food systems
  • Obtain resource guides and other actionable tools
  • Learn how you can become part of the solution

24 Plant-Based Holiday Recipes from Around the World

Embark on a global culinary journey with our curated collection of "Whole Food Plant-Based Holiday Recipes Around the World." From Puerto Rican Rice with Pigeon Peas to creative treats like Stuffed Poblano Pepper Christmas Trees, each recipe is another opportunity for you to celebrate international flavors. Elevate your holiday gatherings with these plant-based delights, ensuring a memorable and satisfying experience for all.

In The Kitchen

Assessing the Top Nutrition Trends of 2023 (Part One)

It’s often helpful to take a step back and look at trends. As indicators of the prevailing sentiments and interests within a society, they offer a compelling snapshot of broad cultural attitudes at a given time. Here we analyze the top 2023 nutritional trends.

Nutrition Science

Elevate Your Well-Being with 14 Immune-Boosting Plant-Based Recipes

Adding phytonutrient- and antioxidant-rich foods to our diet is a natural and healthy way to strengthen our immune system. Here, we share a collection of quick and convenient dishes packed with them.

In The Kitchen

How CNS Kitchen Has Helped Me Go Beyond Weight Loss to Embrace Whole Health

When I joined CNS Kitchen in 2022, I was looking for a community of others who were on a whole food, plant-based (WFPB) journey. At the time, my goal was weight loss. I had been gaining and losing the same ten pounds for over a year. What I didn’t know then was how important the … Continued

Success Stories

Aspartame—Friend or Foe? Here’s What the Research Says

Aspartame is popular among people looking for a sugarless route to satisfying their sweet tooth, including people with diabetes, people on sugar-restricting diets like keto, and people who are trying to lose weight. But, is there a link between aspartame and cancer risk?

Nutrition Science

Should You Take Supplements to Avoid Tooth Loss?

This time of year —with Halloween right around the corner—the damage of junk food, especially sugary candies, will likely be at the forefront of many parents’ minds. But what else should we consider when it comes to oral health?

Nutrition Science

3 Misconceptions About Building Muscle on a Plant-Based Diet

Building your muscles on a plant-based diet is possible, and despite what you might have heard, it does not require extra effort compared to muscle-building on a meat-based diet.


New Recommendations for Childhood Obesity: Are We Missing the Obvious?

If the only tool you give someone is a hammer, every problem becomes a nail. In January 2023, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued new guidelines for evaluating and managing childhood obesity.[1] The public reaction has been shock and dismay because the AAP recommendations now include anti-obesity medicines for those as young as 12 and … Continued

Family & Kids

The Impact of Stress on Health and Disease

When of the most overlooked factors in our quest for total wellness is how stress impacts health and disease.


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